Aisha is a dedicated 35-year-old mother of four who selflessly serves as a volunteer teacher at a school in Yemen. Despite the school’s severe damage from the war, Aisha has remained steadfast in her commitment to providing primary students with an education.

But the harsh reality of the situation has taken its toll on Aisha’s health, and the financial burden of medicine has weighed heavily on her family. The lack of windows and doors has also made it difficult for students and teachers alike to stay warm and healthy during the chilly winter months.

Enter ITDC’s Cash-For-Work (CFW) activity. With the rehabilitation of 5 classrooms, 4 bathrooms, the schoolyard, and three playgrounds on the north side of the school, Aisha’s burden has been lifted. The renovations have not only made the school a safer and more comfortable place to learn, but they have also given Aisha and her fellow teachers the support they need to continue their vital work.

At ITDC, we believe that everyone deserves to live with dignity and peace. Through projects like the CFW activity, we’re committed to investing in the well-being of communities and individuals like Aisha. It’s heartwarming to see the positive impact we can have on the lives of Yemenis, and we’re proud to be a part of creating a brighter future for all.