Bassam, a young boy from Yemen, faced immense challenges in his daily life. Living in extreme poverty, providing even basic necessities was a constant struggle for his family. Bassam’s father was unemployed, and his mother’s occasional housework earnings were barely enough to put food on the table. Despite their financial hardships, Bassam’s parents were determined to provide him with an education and a better future. However, sending Bassam to school was a challenge in itself, as he lacked essential school supplies like a proper school bag, shoes, and uniform.

At ITDC, we understand that education is essential to break the cycle of poverty. So, we stepped in to provide much-needed support to the school. We provided bags, shoes, and uniforms to the students and renovated the school with new doors and windows. The transformation was immediate and remarkable. With the new school supplies, Bassam’s life began to change for the better.

Bassam eagerly put on his new uniform, laced up his new shoes, and proudly slung his new bag over his shoulder, feeling excited to go to school for the first time in a long while. The renovated school building was filled with warmth and light, and Bassam felt like he was walking into a brand-new world. In class, Bassam was eager to learn, his new notebooks and pens making him feel empowered. His teachers noticed a significant change in him; he was no longer afraid to participate and ask questions.

During the recess break between classes, Bassam played with his friends, running and laughing without a care in the world, feeling like a valued member of the school community. As Bassam continued to thrive at school, he knew that ITDC’s support had made all the difference in his life. He was no longer held back by his circumstances but empowered by his new tools and opportunities.

At ITDC, we are committed to transforming lives and communities in Yemen. Bassam’s transformation is a heart-warming and inspiring example of the incredible impact that ITDC is having on the lives of Yemeni people. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for Yemen’s upcoming generation.