Hana is a brave widow and devoted mother of three children, struggling to make ends meet and provide for her family in war-torn Yemen. Despite owning a small plot of land, her crops were not enough to sustain her family’s needs, leaving them vulnerable to hunger and insecurity.

But through ITDC’s livelihood activities, Hana received a helping hand in the form of agricultural tools, seeds, pesticides, and fertilizers. With these resources, she was able to triple her crop from the previous year, providing enough food to secure her family’s needs for three months.

The relief and joy on Hana’s face as she harvested her abundant crop were indescribable. She was proud and grateful for the support that enabled her to overcome the hardship she faced. For Hana and her children, it meant more than just a food source; it provided stability, hope, and a brighter future.

At ITDC, we believe in empowering individuals like Hana, who, despite adversity, remain resilient and determined to provide for their families. Our livelihood activities aim to provide sustainable and long-term solutions to those struggling with poverty, insecurity, and conflict in Yemen.

By providing the necessary resources and support, we can help families like Hana’s to not only survive but also thrive, and work towards building a more peaceful and prosperous Yemen for all its people.