Meet Amjad, a passionate young man from Taiz who had always dreamed of becoming an expert in the field of solar energy. His passion led him to work in a store that sold solar system supplies. However, despite his previous experience, he always felt a sense of inadequacy when faced with difficult questions from customers.

One day, Amjad heard about the solar energy courses offered by ITDC in Taiz. He jumped at the opportunity to enroll in the training. The course was a turning point in Amjad’s life. It provided him with valuable knowledge and skills in the design, installation, and maintenance of solar systems. Most importantly, it gave him the confidence he needed to help his customers and answer their questions.

Amjad was amazed at how much he learned during the course. He realized that his previous experience in solar energy was insufficient and that he needed a reliable source to refer to. The training provided him with exactly that. It broadened his perceptions and knowledge of the solar field, which he says has created a sense of satisfaction in him.

After completing the training, Amjad put his newly acquired knowledge into practice. He designed systems for many clients and made field visits to help them overcome problems with their PV systems by providing advice. His clients were impressed with his work, and their confidence in him grew as he continued to improve the quality of his services.

Amjad’s experience during the course also transformed the way he thinks about his work. Previously, his priority was to increase store sales, but now, his priority is the long-term satisfaction of his clients. He sizes equipment according to the energy consumed by each customer, ensuring that they are satisfied with the performance of their systems for years to come.

But Amjad didn’t stop there. He also used his design and graphics skills to create simplified educational content related to solar energy. He published it on social media to benefit the largest possible number of people. Amjad’s passion for solar energy has not only helped him improve his own life but has also allowed him to make a positive impact on his community.

Amjad’s story is a testament to the power of education and the transformative effect it can have on an individual’s life. He is a true inspiration to anyone who wants to make a difference in their community and the world.